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Pearl Abrasive Co.
Abrasive Wheels
Brick/Stone/Granite Blades
Concrete Cut & Prep Tools
Concrete/Asphalt Blades
Dust Containment Systems
Flap Wheels
Flexible Grinding Wheels
GreenBack Flap Discs
Grinding Cup Stones
MaxiDisc Flap Disc
Polishing Pads
Surface Preparation Systems
Thin Cut-Off Wheels
Tile/Brick Cutting Systems
Tuscan Leveling System
Wire Brushes
Multi Purpose Floor Scraper
Complete Product Listing
Tuscan Leveling System

2-piece system that virtually eliminates lippage during tile installation.

Passes standard industrial(TCNA Robinson) compression test.
- Very easy to learn and use at any skill level.
- Prevents tiles from moving while curing.
- More profitable for the installer.
- Re-usable caps.
- Recommended for gauged tiles 12" or larger.
- Reduces installer fatigue/stress.
- Virtually lippage free, flat surface drastically reduces the need for grinding and polishing.


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Tools for Industry Inc.,
812 Oceola Drive, P.O. Box 7555, Algonquin IL. 60102
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