Call us Toll Free at (800) 658-8014
TFI Specialty Tools
Carbide Burs
Flexible Shafts
Pressure Washers
Tube Brushers
Tube Beveling Machines
Tube Cleaning Brushes
Tube Plug Sizing Gages
Tube/Pipe Testing Equipment
Wheel Type Boiler Tube Cutter
Tube Cleaning Brushes
 CMAS Series

The most effective overall chiller cleaning tool available today.  Unique design combines the cleaning action of "bristle tip" contact with the superior cleaning ability of the impregnated bristle material.

Cleans Tube I.D's .380" - 1.25"
Removes iron oxide deposits which impede eddy current signals used in tube testing
Bristle wear actually regenerates cleaning  surfaces
Ideal for high performance "rifled" tubes
Outlasts standard cleaning tools 3:1
1/4"- 28 shank threads fit all major manufacturer couplings
Model Tube Size Price
CMAS-56 .950"-1.25" $3.70 ea.
CMAS-55 .560"-.950" $3.70 ea.


.380"-.560" $3.70 ea.
 Turbo Brushes
General purpose silicone carbide dust  impregnated
Cleans Tube I.D's .400" - .950"
1/4"- 28 shank threads fit all major manufacturer couplings
Model Tube Size Price
5510-18 .400" -.750" $3.70 ea.
5510-18 3/4 .560"-.950" $3.70 ea.
 Nylon Brushes
General purpose nylon brush
Cleans Tube I.D's .250" - .1.00"
1/4"- 28 shank threads fit all major manufacturer's couplings
Sizes range from 1/4" to 1" in 1/16" increments
To receive more information about the above products, please call, fax, e-mail or use our Inquiries page
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Tools for Industry Inc.,
812 Oceola Drive, P.O. Box 7555, Algonquin IL. 60102
Phone: (847) 658-0455, Fax: (847) 658-4555, Toll Free: (800) 658-8014, E-mail: