Call us Toll Free at (800) 658-8014
D.L. Ricci Corporation
Hand Hole Grinders
Journal Turning Lathes
Keyway Cutters
Oval Manway Seat Grinder
Plasma Systems
Portable Boring Bars
Portable Mills
Rapid End Prep Lathes
Tube and Pipe
Cut Off Saw
Tube Squaring Systems
Z Axis Milling
Plasma Cutting Systems

The D.L.Ricci corporation has developed a Stationary Automatic Plasma Cutting System. With variable feed rates of
5 to 140 IPM, Model BUP can cut and bevel steel, stainless, and aluminum piping with wall thickness up to 1.25". Setup time is minimized with its quick clamping and alignment system.


Model Unit of Measure Actual Size
BU 21 P inches
4.50 - 20.00
114.30 - 508
BU 31P inches
8.63 - 30.00
219.1 - 762

To receive more information about the above products, please call, fax, e-mail or use our Inquiries page
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Tools for Industry Inc.,
812 Oceola Drive, P.O. Box 7555, Algonquin IL. 60102
Phone: (847) 658-0455, Fax: (847) 658-4555, Toll Free: (800) 658-8014, E-mail: