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Hydraulic Cylinders
Hydraulic Pullers
Hydraulic Pumps
Hydraulic Punches
Hydraulic Nut Splitters
Hydraulic Toe Jacks
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches
Maxiforce Air Bags
Pow'r Riser II
Rebar Benders & Cutters
Hydraulic Pullers
Simplex Sure Grip™ Pullers are designed for stubborn pulling jobs, like the removal of gears, bearings, pulleys and sleeves. Fast and easy enough for one-man operation, they are distinguished by ultra-safe Sure Grip technology which assures that the harder the pulling force, the tighter the jaw's grip — so that jaws won't spring off no matter what speed they're used at. To meet the widest needs of industry, Simplex is offering its new pullers in five models with capacities of 17.5-tons, 30-tons or 50-tons. A two-jaw version is being made available for tight clearance pulls, along with a three-jaw model for maximum gripping power. All models come complete with a Simplex Hard-Kor cylinder, a six-inch hose, and a two-speed hand pump with storage box. Jaw pullers can be purchased separately, without a ram or hand pump. Optional Simplex accessories include speed cranks, adjusting screws and pushing adapters.
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Tools for Industry Inc.,
812 Oceola Drive, P.O. Box 7555, Algonquin IL. 60102
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