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Hydraulic Cylinders
Hydraulic Pullers
Hydraulic Pumps
Hydraulic Punches
Hydraulic Nut Splitters
Hydraulic Toe Jacks
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches
Maxiforce Air Bags
Pow'r Riser II
Rebar Benders & Cutters
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches
Simplex offers a wide variety of hydraulic torque wrenches available in light weight Square Drive design or the flattest Low Clearance wrenches available. These tools are the most
versatile in the business. Optional attachments and accessories are available to complement both style wrenches.
 WT-Series Square Drive Wrenches
The Simplex Square Drive wrench combines strength and simplicity to handle the toughest bolting jobs. Simplex square drive wrenches come with a push through drive in the 3/4”, 1”
and 1 1/2” models, eliminating pulling the drive out of a wrench to change drive direction. The WT-Series wrenches can react off the wrench body for close quarter applications.
Alloy square drive GUARANTEED not to break.
No reaction pawl, ELIMINATES tool lockup.
27° Stroke for high performance and speed.
Torque chart & safety information engraved on the tool.
Push through square drive switches from loosen to tighten instantly.
Light weight, high torque ratio.
Compact Uni-Body design for maximum strength.
Accurate to within ± 3%.
Slim nose radius for easy positioning in close quarters.
No leak couplers that swivel on double axis for easy operation.
Custom wrenches available upon request.
Special reaction arms and reaction arm extensions available.
Anti-backlash mechanism prevents tool from backdriving.
Internal reaction arm spline allows operator to react against the tool body without risk of damage.
 WX-Series Low Clearance Wrenches
Simplex wrenches are the flattest wrench available, utilizing a patented low height piston. TheSimplex WX series wrenches fit in places competitive wrenches cannot. The low clearance wrenches have a wide choice of links available in 1/16” increments. Metric sizes are also available. Several optional accessories are available such as hex reducers, hex to square drive adaptors and different reaction arms.
Patented piston design for lower profile.
Wide range of links in 1/16th increments.
In-line reaction for maximum strength.
Light weight, high torque ratio.
Quick and easy interchangeable links requiring no tools.
Accurate to within ± 3%.
Slim nose radius for easy positioning in close quarters.
No leak couplers that swivel on double axis for easy operation.
Plated wrenches resist corrosion.
Links in both imperial and metric measurements.
Optional reducer inserts available in imperial and metric sizes.
Custom wrenches available upon request.
To receive more information about the above products, please call, fax, e-mail or use our Inquiries page
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